'Unfortunately, aside from the inclusion of Achievements, there's very little love given to this new edition. 'Viewed side by side, Xbox 360 and Shield Tablet games appear to be a close match - the higher-resolution 2D artwork and the new front end are much the same, though the new console release appears to possess enhanced draw distance over the Android version (even when it's set to 100 per cent on the mobile version). The guys at DF have found out that the Android version they recently tested as part of their Nvidia Shield Tablet feature, is in fact the basis for the new Xbox 360 release.
The revelation is based on Digital Foundry's analysis of the new port. While that version looks good, it's not as good as one would hope, and that's because it's port of the Android and iOS version. Rockstar has recently released an HD version of GTA: San Andreas on Xbox 360.